Middle Finger With Make America Great Again Hat

Help the Eagle Fly Once Again and Take-America-Back; Put some muscle into it, help the Eagle Soar, for your children and your children's children. Take America Back Again

MakeAmerica-GreatAgain is designed as to be a tool for like minded Patriots and organizations that are passionate about renewing America, the Constitution and the Founding Principles that made the United States of America what it was and Take America Back to what it can be again.  There will be a sister site called Constituting-America.com (Under Construction).

Constituting-America.com will contain legislation, resolutions, and actions with links to other sites designed to align allies to the Constitution.  There will be private webinars and meetings to talk strategies, only trusted fellow champions for liberty will be present at these private meetings.

More to Come!

God Bless America,


This is a video to help explain a template used for Re-Constituting America State by State.  Just Copy and paste to your search engine.  http://wolfpacmi.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_20.html

Make America Great!  Those are huge words; the million dollar question is how? Our nation's youth, Need to Know Their Heritage & Their Constitutional Rights in order to win this current "war" of ideologies and return our Country to the Republic our founding fathers intended. It is imperative that our children learn and understand what they, have lost and are losing! Under our current political "leadership" (Donald Trump,) We the People are leading the fight for our countries constitutional survival. When we succeed, and I believe we will, it will only be a temporary victory!

If our children do not know what they are losing, they will not know how to preserve and defend the Constitution in the future.  U.S. Constitutional rule of law that made America great will eventually cease to exist, due to lack of wisdom, that was afforded to the current population of patriots such as Donald Trump and the nation's citizens; that grew up with a firm understanding of the Founding Principles that made America Great, due to the education we received as youth, as patriots that are currently defending those Founding Principles such as the Constitution!

The problem needs to be addressed from the top down and from the bottom up.

Two questions that need a response:

  1. What is happening in the school system right now?
  2. What would we like to happen?

Top Down

"Re Constituting America"  to Make America-Great Again

"We the People of The United 50 States of America"

 In due consideration of the state of our Union, the Constitutional Republic and values that our country was founded upon, believe it is imperative that our next generation be fully educated about the history of our nation and the previous 750 years of world history, leading up to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, The Anti-Federalist Papers and the right to keep and bear arms. Young Americans need to know the true reason why we have this right. We the People of the 50 United States of America urge our States Legislators, as representatives of the People, to lead in the reinstatement of the teaching of the following founding documents and values: The Declaration of Independence, the history and events that led to its creation, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, The Anti-Federalist Papers and the Bill of Rights, which includes the Right To Keep and Bear Arms, and the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of every school day. These things are crucial to our National security and our unique American way of life.


How We Can Make This Happen

 Our Mission:  Re-new constitutional studies in our nation's education systems from K – 12 in order to keep intact the Founding Principles afforded by self-governance found  throughout U.S. Constitutional Rule of Law and Natural Law, that exist within the those Founding Documents in order to safeguard and Make America Great Again, not only for the existing generation, but for generations to come!

 To Boldly initiate U.S, Constitutional Rule of Law in the minds of our Nations youth and to export U.S Constitutional Studies to other Nations, through and by, any means necessary in order to accomplish the task at hand, to promote true self-governance, protect and defend those natural, inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness/Property from any enemy bet it Foreign or Domestic for all citizens!

Thank You


 Love, Courage, and Godspeed



Source: https://makeamerica-greatagain.net/

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